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WSRB Protection Class 7 Maintained

A logo with the letters "WSRB" in blue and part of a stylized shape in green and orange.

The Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau (WSRB) completed their evaluation of the fire protection capabilities of our community as they relate to fire insurance rating. WSRB notified Jefferson County Fire Protection District No. 2 that the Fire Protection Class rating for the District will remain a Protection Class 7.  Fire Protection Class ratings are used by insurance companies to help determine fire insurance premiums for properties.

The WSRB determines the Protection Class of communities and fire protection districts by evaluating their fire protection and suppression capabilities using a schedule approved by the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner.

See the notification letter and frequently asked questions (FAQ) for more information.

WSRB Notification Letter.pdfWSRB and Protection Classes FAQ.pdf